Cambie Corridor Integrated Water Management Plan



Serving as a central connection spine for the neighborhoods along the Canada Rail Line and representing 9% of the City of Vancouver’s area, Cambie Corridor is poised to experience immense growth over the next 30 years. Redevelopment is anticipated to bring 30,000 new homes and along with it, an increased demand on water resources and infrastructure. Led by Herrera and partnered with VDZ and Modus, Lotus is part of a multidisciplinary team that is developing an Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP) that balances water conservation and rainwater, wastewater, and groundwater management as the area’s population grows.

The approach aims to integrate green infrastructure solutions that reduce water consumption and encourages re-use at a local scale, while counteracting climate change impacts such as drought and urban heating, and minimizing polluted overflows into the region’s waterbodies. The team is developing and evaluating an array of innovative infrastructure projects to service the Cambie Corridor redevelopment area with water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities that not only meet level-of-service goals related to cost effectiveness and environmental protection, but that also reimagine how water can be managed to benefit the community, economy, resilience, and reliability.