AB 691 Sea Level Rise Assessment



As a Public Land Trustee, the Port of San Francisco was mandated by State Assembly Bill (AB) 691 to evaluate impacts to and vulnerabilities of its assets due to future sea level rise and provide findings and planned mitigation strategies. Lotus developed a comprehensive inventory of completed and ongoing assessment efforts undertaken by various Citywide and regional initiatives and efforts, including the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s (BCDC) Adapting to Rising Tides program and the Port’s Flood Study partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The assessment document summarized findings based on the latest advances in climate change science, evolving sea level projections, vulnerability mapping analyses, asset inventories, and the Port’s Waterfront Resilience Program. The AB 691 Assessment is helping to inform California’s statewide strategy to proactively plan for and invest in long-term coastal adaptation and mitigation measures.